Explorers 4.0 – OUR DREAMS
The year-end round-up exhibition of the Budapest Art Mentor program
Explorers will be presented for the fourth time this year as the summary exhibition of Budapest Art Mentor program. Although its artists work along the lines of their own concepts, they share an unconventional approach to classical media and dream of creating surfaces that analytically break up into particles only to build up again.
Kiállítók: Becskei Andor, Czinder Fanni, Cseh Lili, Farkas-Pap Éva, Juhász Kinga, Kusovszky Bea, Metzing Eszter, Murányi Marcell, Palman Zsuzsi, Sárréti Gergely, Tóth Annamária Rita, Tóth Anna Eszter, Tóth Lea, Wirth Abigail
Közreműködő kurátorok: Czinder Fanni, Kusovszky Bea, Tóth Lea
Képező Stúdió
Képező Stúdió